Adding Healthy New Holiday Traditions

The holiday season is quickly approaching! This cozy time of year carries a lot of significance. Many of us look forward to treasured traditions, favorite foods, and making memories with family. However, there is a small downside to all of this festive fun; we often revert to some unhealthy habits.

The mix of chilly Minnesota temps and over-stuffed schedules often leaves little room for self-care. What free time we may have spent going for a run, meal-prepping nutritious food, or recharging with a good book all gets diverted to school concerts, holiday parties, shopping for gifts, and decking the halls.

If you find yourself dragging and depleted each winter come January first, we want to encourage you to find new ways to care for yourself this year. Hoping for some ideas to get started? We’ve got you covered! Read our thoughts below for starting healthy new holiday traditions!

Bundle Up and Move
You’d be amazed at how much just getting outside and moving your body will make you feel better. The next time you and the fam are feeling lethargic put on those extra layers and do something! Walk the dog, take a stroll around the block to admire fresh snow, go to the park, take the kids sledding, or get ambitious and try something brand new like snowshoeing.

Sign-up for a Race or Class
Another way to keep your body feeling good is taking part in a 5K or exercise class. Tons of races take place over the holidays; make it a family affair and get everyone involved! Or if running isn’t your style, bring the crew to the gym for fun new classes like kickboxing or Zumba. Most health clubs have early bird hours even during major holidays, take advantage of them and start your day with a little sweat.

Volunteer Together
Is the season of gift-giving inspiring less than generous intentions in your children? Shake off a case of the gimmes with a family volunteering session! Make it an annual tradition to serve your community together, and get your kids involved in choosing who you help. You’ll give them something much more valuable than any new toy: a sense of empathy and compassion.

Cut One Thing from Your Menu
Does this sound familiar to you? It’s the end of a Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner, and you have loads of leftover food – food that people may not even want! Do yourself a favor, cut out one extra side dish or cookie recipe this year. Give yourself a break from making everything under the sun; we promise no one will probably even notice!

Schedule Down Time
Last but not least, commit to scheduling your family some legitimate downtime. We all tend to run ourselves ragged with plans this time of year, so plan a day where you have nowhere to be and nothing to do. You and your family will thank yourself for it later!

Photo by Lydia Matzal for Unsplash

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